On appreciating the Hunger Games

I wrote this a little while ago, but ended up with a few extra moments this morning to post it. A year ago I refused to watch the Hunger Games or read them because I didn’t want to read about kids running around killing each other, nor did I feel the need for another depiction … Continue reading

on inviting God to shape my anticipation

Yesterday I realized that life is routine. And I like routine–safe, familiar…boring. Currently my routine looks basically the same every week and on Mon, Tues, Wed. the same every day. But routine is bearable, usually even enjoyable. I’m not looking forward to anything. There’s usually some event that I plan and anticipate, then that event … Continue reading


I confess that regardless of how thoroughly Christian it is, I am not skilled at confessing. Saying “I’m wrong” is distasteful and unpleasant. “I repent” is a difficult claim to live up to because it requires both humility and transformation.  Yet, I’m entering into this season of lent. Primarily lent is about confessing, coming before … Continue reading

Of course he came.

There are 8 days until Christmas and this morning children woke up terrified to go to school. It’s funny how tragedies happen every day, but shake us as a nation when their scale is increased and their target innocent. Jesus has come and is reigning! Mothers in Newtown are weeping over Christmas gifts hidden in … Continue reading

Genealogies: Abraham

     Abraham is the first man Matthew lists in Jesus’ genealogy. That Jesus is Abraham’s descendant adds weight to Matthew’s claim that Jesus is Messiah (Christ,v.1). Abraham is where the promise began, though it is even foreshadowed in Genesis 3:15 when God promises to put enmity between the offspring of the snake and the … Continue reading

Genealogies Pt. 1

Genealogy: Noun. “Boring” part of many books of the Old Testament which people typically skip over. Also, for some reason, appears in the gospel according to Matthew. The book of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac Isaac the father of Jacob … Continue reading

Advent: Waiting & Anticipation

Advent is a time of building anticipation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Families, churches, and individuals build this anticipation with endless variety, but it is the point – eager expectation for the arrival of Messiah. And Jesus has come. What we practice now at Advent is an entering-into the anticipation of Jews who were … Continue reading

Gentle Beauty

3 December 2012: Advent day 2 Your voice wasn’t in a bush burning No, your voice wasn’t in a rushing wind It was still. It was small. It was hidden. Oh, you came like a winter snow–quiet, soft, and slow. Winter Snow,  Audrey Assad God is gentle and beautiful. These are not terms we normally … Continue reading